Friday, July 2, 2010


I've never been a very explosive guy. My wife would probably disagree, after I eat beans and drink Acai berry juice, then trap her in my Dutch oven. I don't know why they call it that. I seriously doubt the Dutch cook their food by trapping hot farts in blankets, but they might. Ask Bas Rutten.

What I mean is that I'm not particularly powerful and quick. Years of LSD have turned my fast-twitch muscles into turtles. I'm not referring to the drug, if I was I would mention how that has turned my brain into scrambled eggs like the commercials from the 90s. Remember that? Also, I don't see how Fabio couldn't really believe it was not butter, it was clearly an imitation.

LSD (long, slow distance) has its place in BJJ, but it should not be used as a primary tool. For the past few weeks, I have been neglecting my anaerobic conditioning, and putting in 10-15 miles of LSD a week. Not a whole lot, I know. But when this is coupled with no explosive conditioning, you begin to feel slow when you roll.

Instead of 3 miles, I am now running 1. Instead of 5, I am running 3. Instead of standard weight training, I am busting this out.

Good stuff, and harder than it looks.

I recommend one good long run a week, but any more than that will make you like me: only explosive after bean burritos.

1 comment:

  1. Dutch oven! very funny! But I know what you are talking about. Running can be very aerobic to the point that it hurts in other areas of training. There is a reason why People who can run 5 miles pretty easily have to stop,leave and throw up 15 minutes into Step aerobics! thats because all the knee and leg raises make it a combo of aerobic/anaerobic.
