Sunday, June 20, 2010


Yes. Those are my feet, and they are disgusting.

After plodding through a 25:55, 5K race Saturday, my feet ended up looking like some horrible flesh eating disease has overtaken them. I assure you this is not the case. They are blisters.

The lesson here is to run in running socks, and when buying new running shoes, make sure you run in them for a couple weeks before strapping them on for a race. Oh well, its not as painful as it looks, but the race sure was.

But I enjoyed it. Running is a passion of mine, not quite on the level with Jiu-Jitsu, but an important part of it. A year ago my cardio was super-shitty, and I could barely receive instruction while rolling due to my loud breathing. Now I can go forever without gassing, and its mainly due to running.

So if you aren't running to improve your BJJ, then you need to be. Go for some long slow distance once a week, and bust out some sprints, intervals, and something called 'fartleks' (not sure what they are, but it sounds funny) a few times a week.

Your Jiu-Jitsu will thank you for it.

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